Posted by: mcpryce | May 15, 2009

Big brother Maxton

We are sure of it and claiming it! Maxton is going to be a great big brother. He already likes to lift up my shirt and say “babies” and kiss the belly. When we go to the growth check ultrasound he dances to the beat of their hearts, points to the screen and says “babies.”

His favorite Bible verse is Deuteronomy 32:14 (New Living Translation): “He fed them yogurt..” (Yogurt is his absolute favorite thing to eat. Watch him say it (among other things) in this video:

Here are some of his recent happenings, in his own words:

  • I touch, pull and grab everything and anything that looks interesting and is within my grasp.
  • If I can’t reach it, I will go get my step-stool (or find something else to climb on, like the VCR) so I can be a little taller.
  • whatever works

  • I love to use the blender, but I’m still afraid of loud noises made by the vacuum cleaner, trash truck, buses, etc.
  • I stopped breastfeeding in January to give my mom a break before the twins arrive. No big deal. I enjoy my rice milk just the same.
  • I now sleep through the night in my crib, though I’m happy that Mama and Daddy haven’t moved me out of their room. I like to wake them up at 6:30 a.m., even on Sundays!
  • IMG_2772

  • Reading, blowing bubbles, dancing, singing, pouring things in and out of buckets, playing with pots and pans, climbing stairs and eating yogurt make my day complete.

loving the swing

  • Even though I don’t talk the way you do, I have no trouble communicating and making it clear what I want.
  • I love to meet new people and shake hands. I get extra excited around little kids, whether I know them or not. It scares some of the anti-social ones.
  • I want to help with everything, cooking, laundry, deodorant application…. I watch Mama and Daddy’s every move and copy what they’re doing.
  • starting early

  • My Mama says I’m the sweetest thing she knows. I like to give hugs and kisses and snuggle with her and be held by Daddy.

Life’s about to change for Mr. Maxton, but we’re confident he’ll be strong and resilient and be the good natured little boy that he is.

Where did my little baby go?

where did my little baby go?

Last year around this time, he looked like this!

where do these looks come from? father and son


  1. I showed Malachi the video of Maxton and he loved it! We had to watch it twice.

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