Posted by: mcpryce | June 12, 2008

9 month update

Maxton turned 9 months on Sunday. A few weeks ago he crossed the line of having spent more time outside the womb than inside. Yes, we acknowledge and celebrate everything around here.

This week we had two regular check ups for our hunk o’ blessin’. A regular pediatrician check-up and a check-up with the cardiologist. He weighs 22 lbs. 10 oz. and is 29 inches long. Whew!

The cardiologist said, “I’m confident that this problem is gone.” Sweet, sweet music to our ears. Our next appointment is not until December. Do you realize what a blessing this is? I can’t get over it. I won’t get over it. A year ago this month we were facing a much different set of circumstances.

Maxton is enjoying every day. He has 6 teeth out already and more emerging. He scoots around in a circle and grabs EVERYTHING within reach. He does the modified sign-language milk sign (modified by us because Delina doesn’t like the milking cow one) and Sabbath morning he woke up singing and raising holy hands in praise (working on the getting a good video of that). As you can see by the picture with Daddy, Maxton is a riot. But this is just how he acts at home with us. Everyone else gets the who-are-you-and-why-should-I-care stare. *sigh* Don’t take it personal, people!

where do these looks come from?


  1. Happy 9 month Maxton, wonder where you got that stare? Hope to see you soon.

  2. Can you tape the modified sign-language milk sign too?

  3. WOOW, We are happy to know that he is doing well..He has gotten so big..Delina what have u been feeding that boy on…God has truley blessed and we are happy for you guys…We will continue to keep u guys in our prayers..

  4. What a mighty God we serve!!!Love you guys

  5. I am so happy for you and Ben it´s a blessing to know that your son is healty I cant wait to hold him in my arms. hope I you soon. God bless you, Ben and baby Maxton.

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