Posted by: mcpryce | March 7, 2008

Maxton is off his meds!

It was the day we’d been waiting and praying for! On Tuesday, 3/4, Maxton’s electrophysiologist took him off the medication that keeps his heart out of SVT. Dr. Bar-Cohen expects that he’s grown out of the condition and doesn’t anticipate that he’ll have any more episodes. We’re so thankful that everything has gone smoothly since he left the hospital. And we’re oh so glad to not have to bother with the medicine three times a day (taken every 6-12 hours, 30 minutes before a feeding or 1 hour after a feeding…it gets complicated since he eats every 2 hours). We’re back to checking his heart twice a day, just to be sure the rate is still in the normal ranges. Not a day goes by that we don’t thank God for our little miracle.



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