Posted by: mcpryce | November 8, 2007

Today, I’m 2 (months)!

IMG_0207.JPG, originally uploaded by McPryce.

Happy birthday to me!


  1. Happy Birthday Maxton! I can’t wait to hold you! Your personality is just wonderful, I will see you Saturday.

  2. Happy Birthday Mister Maxton. You are growing up so fast! I can’t wait to come over and see you on Monday. What can I bring for you when I come over. Do you need any toys? Then if you don’t like it, I can play with it. I’m such a baby sometimes. Just ask Javi

  3. Maxton,

    Happy birthay! you are a gorgeous boy; but that figures, your parents are pretty good looking too.

  4. Maxton,

    Happy birthay! you are a gorgeous boy; but that figures, your parents are pretty good looking too.

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