Posted by: mcpryce | November 8, 2007

Q&A with Maxton

IMG_0050.JPG Click on any picture to see more.

Q: Why did they name you Maxton Miguel?
A: Cause it sounds good. Maxton is an English surname that doesn’t mean anything. My parents are going to let me make a name for myself.
Miguel means “Who is like God?” I came really close to being named Maxton Moore, after my mom’s favorite Bible teacher, Beth Moore, whose teachings on faith helped her stay strong while my heart was sick. Instead, they decided on a biblical name – the Spanish version of the Archangel.

Q: How long was your birth?
A: My mom was in labor for about 8 hours. My heart stayed strong and steady and we were able to birth naturally.

Q: Do you have any birth marks?
A: Yes, of course you see the stork bite on my forehead. I have one on the back of my neck. I also have a mongolian spot on my back.

Q: Who do you look like?
A: Overall, I look like my mommy did when she was a baby. But I have my father’s eyes and head shape (and good nature).
Lookin' like Mama

Q: Have you been out of the house already?
A: Yes! Besides the doctor, I’ve been to the store, the farmer’s market and the library. We’ve been on walks in my neighborhood to stroll by California Plaza, MOCA and the Disney Concert Hall. This weekend I make my debut at church.

Q: Is your grandma Pryce still in town?
A: No, she left a week ago. She came the day after I was born and stayed for 10 days and then she came back on October 14. My McPhaull grandparents see me at least once a week.

Q: What do you do all day?
A: My mom always has her camera out, so we take lots of pictures. I love bath time, storytime and singing time. Most of all I like eating time.

Q: How are your parents doing?
A: The first 6 weeks of round-the-clock getting to know each other sessions were rough. My parents seem to be emerging from the fog now.

7 weeks

Q: How much do you weigh?
A: Last week the doctor said I was 11.5 lbs. I bet I’m 12 lbs. by now!

Q: How is your heart?
A: My heart is great. I have to take medication three times a day. My doctor expects the extra nerve to dissolve on its own. My doctor will begin to wean me off the medication in a few months and I should be off by my first birthday. My parents listen to my heart twice a day to make sure it’s not beating too fast. My EKGs look good.


Q: Do you sleep through the night?
A: Of course not! I’m regularly sleeping between 3-4 hours in a stretch at night. Last night I went 5 hours between meals and I slept for 4 hours straight. My parents were really excited about that!

starting the hungry cry

Q: Do you cry a lot?
A: Nope. I’m laid back and sweet, but I can get hysterical when I’m hungry. I’m serious about eatin’. I do grunt a lot though. Nobody warned my parents about the newborn grunting.

Q: Did you have a baby shower?
A: My baby shower, hosted by my dad’s church, was scheduled for September 9; I was born on September 8. Needless to say, we didn’t make it (my mom’s dress still has the tag on it). They went ahead with the shower anyway and there were lots of gifts waiting for me when I got home. I get gifts in the mail all the time too. My mom is still working on the thank-you cards though. Please be patient. She’s a little busy these days.

baby shower

Q: When is your baby blessing?
A: December 29.

Q: Do you have godparents?
A: Nope, but more on that later.

eyebrows that talk

Q: What’s on the horizon for you?
A: I’m anxiously awaiting a visit from my parent’s friends, Adam and Bev. My wanna-be-godmother Latoya is coming in about a month and the Pryce side of the family is coming to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with me.

Maxton will be online today answering any additional questions you may have. Please leave a message.


  1. pleased to meet you mister maxton! im glad to see your already getting an early start on blogging and such.. and MY! arnt you photogenic! [watch out mom and dad, modeling school costs alot too]

  2. Well Maxton you turned out to be a very handsome dude!!! I was worried 🙂 just joking, anyway I can’t wait to meet you and my son Dre can’t wait to see the guy that took Delina away from him. Between me and you she was gone way before you came along.

  3. Maxton – Just want to wish you a very happy 2 month birthday!! I agree with the previous post – modeling school costs alot so your parents need to start planning early :). Glad you are doing well – you are a much prayed for little Mr. man.

  4. Maxton, I think I’m in love with you and I’ve never even met you. What do you want for Christmas?

  5. Can’t believe you’re 2months already Mr. Maxton. Time sure flies….looking good. Say hi to mom and dad.

  6. Maxton–
    How do you feel about organic food? Do you think it’s worth the extra expense and inconvenience?
    Aunt Becky

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