Posted by: mcpryce | October 20, 2007

Out on the town

3rd anniversary, originally uploaded by McPryce.

We celebrated our 3rd anniversary this week. Because Gramma Pryce is back in town, we were able to head out alone to celebrate at a fancy schmancy restaurant downtown. Well, we live downtown, so the restaurant was only a few blocks away. We were gone for 2.5 hours and only called to check in once. Not bad, eh?


  1. Congrats on your anniversary!

  2. Oh wow, Happy Belated Anniversary, what kind of friend am I? I didn’t remember at all! I truly wish you continued joy and blessings in your marriage.

  3. Maxton, you are awesome! and cute too! I will get your gift in the mail on Monday! Too cute! Keep the Q&A going!

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